Embed PowerBi report and update data from submited table - current solution too slow

I was wondering if anyone had any experience with using data from a weweb table, posting that back to a xano database and then updating a powerBi dashboard. I’m using airtable currently and between the API calls to airtable and creating a star schema of our data in powerQuery, it takes about 1-2 minutes to update our visual.

Would using Xano be quicker? Is there a better way to do this?

One of the issues is that in order to have powerBi’s slicers etc work, I have to recreate a user’s data within powerBi’s own database and create any aggregations using PowerBi DAX… Essentially we are building out a “mini” database for a specific user’s project with all the relationships between table. That process seems to be the most time consuming or it could be that the API calls to airtable is what is slowing us down.

Airtable suffer from heavy rate limit, so maybe using Xano would be better yes.