External data storage

Hello, I have a new project I’m working on (my first real one), and it’s about making a back office for the different stakeholders (records consulting, financial data input etc). Currently, the datas are stored in Excel. I was thinking of moving these Excel datas into Xano or Airtable because it looks like having datas stored in Excel is not very convenient when using Weweb front builder.
What do you think ?
Thank you in advance !

It’s probably better to avoid airtable because it seems to be too slow, unless some features of airtable are 100% necessary for your app/client.
If you go with xano or supabase you will be ok.

Perfect thank you for the quick answer. Another question is : it’s mandatory to transfer data from Excel to another data storer ? I can’t build a weweb product with Excel stored data ?

if excel has an api to connect to sheets in the cloud you can probably do it, but it’s very likely that you will need to use a secure backend anyway to connect.

OK perfect thank you very much !