Is there a difference between Smartsuite and Airtable backend connection with regards to speed and/or reliability?
I currently have my data in Airtable but really like Smartsuite. I am starting to build in weweb and would default to an Airtable backend (simply due to time constraints) but should Smartsuite have a better (faster, more reliable, …) integration to weweb for whatever reason, I’d like to reconsider. Does anybody have info/data on that?
If you are using static collections, backend shouldn’t make any difference.
For dynamic Airtable is really really slow, never used SS so cannot compare.
Thanks. Would you recommend Xano (for dynamic collections)?
I never used it but it was highly recommended, for dynamic systems, working really well
Xano working great for me and is recommended by WeWeb.
I think SmartSuite API limits are a bit higher than Airtable. But as the others have said, nothing beats a “real backend” like Xano if you plan on doing lots of API calls that are supposed to resolve fast.
If performance matters, nothing beats Xano.
With passage of time has anyone now got experience with creating backend filters on Smartsuite data collections? Also, as a newb is there anything in the WeWeb user interface that would give a warning if my collections/front end filters setup is creating a potential overuse of bandwidth/browser resource?