Will anyone be at nocode summit in Paris?

Hey WeWeb community, I’m just wondering if anyone is going to be at nocode summit in Paris later this month? If so, I’m wondering if anyone is up for having a mini WeWeb coffee meetup during the conference - show off projects we’re working on, that kind of thing?

I’ll be there both days and would love to connect with some of you. My current WeWeb project is a tool for supporting startups here in Scotland, for my company thisiscodebase.com :slight_smile:


Hey @oli and everyone !
The team is super excited to meet you at the No-Code Summit. Be sure to stop by and say hello! We’re also attending a pre-summit event at the No-Code Community Meetup – feel free to join us there!

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Sadly my flight gets in too late for that (I could be representing nocode.scot!) But if anyone wants to arrange a coffee during the conference itself let me know :slight_smile: I’m interested to see what others are building.

I’ll be there, will be nice to catch up! :wink:

Yes! Sounds good :slight_smile:

I’ll definitely be there ! Happy to have a drink wit hall of you :slight_smile:

I’ll be there, happy to see you all :wave:

I’ll be there as well :wave:

Flying in from Norway and don’t know anyone - so I’m happy meet anyone who is obsessed with indiehacking and building online stuff!

WIll be there too! Excited to see you all :smiley: