Hey, I'm Julien, Visual Progamming enthusiast


I’m Julien , I’m in the french NoCodeFrance community for 1 year , and a fan of Bubble.

I’m thinking at what will look like the app builder of the future and WeWeb is very aligned with my vision, so very curious to use it and discover your great work guys.

As for me , I’m working on 2 projects : one of them is to open a NoCode school to educate professional visual programmer and Entrepreneurs (NoCode ,LowCode and Web Concepts), I’ve begun to write the curriculum mainly focus on Bubble but I think WeWeb should be very soon in our curriculum.

Happy to be here :tada:

Ps: on fait l’effort de parler anglais mais ça fait du bien de voir une boîte française aussi ambitieuse et aussi efficace ! Cocorico :wink:


Hi Julien! Great to have you here and congrats on your no-code projects. We are going to build educational content for our users and would be happy to participate in your NoCode school (we are already discussing this with other no-code e-learning programs at the moment). :woman_student: :man_student:

Looking forward to talk about no-code / low-code with you - et merci pour les messages d’encouragements :fr: