(Announcement) Portal NoCode - WeWeb + Xano

Portal NoCodeBR

We are very happy to officially launch the Beta version of our NoCode Portal, built with #NoCode tools WeWeb + Xano

We will be very honored to see you there, clicking on the link below :point_down:.

We know the WeWeb less than 30 days ago and it was love at first sight, as he is a perfect match for the Xano which we have already used in several projects.

We migrated from Bubble for WeWeb and we built the initial version in 3 languages :brazil: :us: :es:

Our main goal is to create a meeting place, tips and information for this world we live in #NoCode

Feel free to give your feedback and help improve our platform, which is just beginning.

We are from Brazil and we are looking for ambassadors and promoters of the portal in other countries.


:fire: :fire: :fire: VAMOS @mauromequelussi !!!



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The site is looking awesome! Nice work Mauro.

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Sucesso :rocket::pray:


This looks great Mauro!

Some feedback :slight_smile: As someone who knows a little about code/no-code and SaaS development, your site is a great resource. I would love to see sites like yours add a (optional) layer that asks the user what they are trying to achieve, then surfaces the potential tools they could use.

for example, you could provide them with some options: Build a SaaS app, Customer portal, Mobile, Internal Application… etc…

‘Looking to build an app with your existing data?’ - You will probably need an API - try these tools… For your frontend try XYZ etc… and so on.

I have many friends ask me where to start, they know it must be possible.

All the best