Styling the calendar, specifically the events

Hello! If using the calendar component, are the events, stylings, schema, etc all more-or-less fixed values? I’d like to place a margin of 15px between each card item when timeless mode is on. If I try to use css, it doesn’t seem to like that (through the head or through the custom css panel in the bottom right), and the style panel applies to the component container, not the individual items.

I would like to add divs inside these events and style them so that if a particular item is clicked, etc, something happens. Is this possible at the moment, or would this require additional outofthebox thinking? Thanks!

(Or maybe I’m missing something obvious)

Hi @Cam :wave:

That’s not possible at the moment unfortunately. Just passed on your use case to the product team so they’re aware :slight_smile:

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Amazing, will be awesome! No worries if not, I can create work arounds for now. Thank you very much :slight_smile:

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Depending of the importance of a calendar in your app, you might want to consider building your own calendar in WeWeb, I did this in a project of mine, and it’s not even that tough.

It’s in slovak, but it’s the days of the week (grayed out and disabled are the weekends) and Ráno / Poobede are the parts of the day.

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Interesting, is this nocode? How do you render the correct dates by week or month? Do you use moment.js or something ?

It’s all nocode styles :slight_smile:

Awesome, any hints how to render correct dates?

We also did this with @Profound5753 on a live coaching session, maybe he might remember the mechanism :slight_smile:

is that session availble to rewatched? I missed that one unfortunately

It actually is a 1:1 thing, you can check it out in my bio if you’re interested :slight_smile:

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