How to get multi-day event name to only show up once on calendar?

I have an event that lasts for 3 days on the Calendar element.

The name of the event is showing up three times, as such:

But how do I get the event name to only show up once, like such:

If I have a multi day event, the calendar gets very messy. the same thing is written 5 times when i only need it once.

+1. I am also looking for a solution for this. It seems that this is still on the to-do list of the vuecal library.

I made my own but you’ll need your own calendar table in the backend

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@luka maybe you can help.

In the docs of vuecal there is stated that on multiple days events 3 css classes are present to add custom styling to the start day, end day and days in between. I confirmed this using codepen.

This could be a workaround, but when I inspect my Weweb page with a multi-day event, it looks like these classes are not available.

Is there an alternative or can the dev team update the calendar element to be able to hide event info (title, description, time) on middle and end days, preserving the height of the event, and maybe manage the radius of each event?

Besides this, are there plans for a new calendar component based on another library like Fullcalendar?

I sort of succeeded using a custom HTML element with the style tag. Custom code on page level should also work I suppose. Seems to me that the 3 classes I mentioned are present after all

How did you do that? Could you please share a screenshot and code?! I will implement this into my app immediately haha.

Thank you so much in advance!



