Make redirect to


Currently I am using WeWeb on a custom domain and it works fine, except that I have to always put “www.” before the domain: works but doesn’t.

How do I configure my DNS settings in Google Domains in order to make the non “www” url redirect to the “www.” ?
It is easily doable on Webflow but I can’t find a way to do it on WeWeb.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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Hi @lancelot,

WeWeb does not offert this option.
If you when your naked domain to redirect to the “www” domain, you can try what is described here :

I did not test this because I don’t have a Google Domain account.
Each domain name provider will have a different way to handle this use case.

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I just migrated my Bubble site over to WeWeb and am now realizing what a huge headache this is causing. All of the links I have created around the web have pointed to the non-www version of my domain using a secure protocol (https). Since WeWeb doesn’t allow me to secure the non-www version of my domain, if anybody clicks on an existing link of that version, it will go to a dead page and there is nothing I can do about it. So it’s forcing me to try and manually update as many links as I can, which is a lot of links!

Really really hope WeWeb can offer a solution to this sooner than later!


What are you using for your DNS registry? There’s an option here to stand up a server for the sole purpose of 301-redirecting all traffic from the base URL to the www one. Google domains for example seems to support that out of the box, but others might vary.

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Oh that’s interesting! I’m using Namecheap for all of this. Currently have the www and the SSL CNAME records (as WeWeb instructs) setup and then, based on what I’ve read, I’ve got a URL Redirect Record setup as follows:

It seemed with Bubble the redirect was handled not at the DNS level, but on the server level so I was able to simply point records for the @ and www and both were taken care of SSL wise.

So right now redirects just fine to but if I try the secure non-www ( you can see that it goes nowhere.

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I wonder if you can work it with an ANAME record. Looks like namecheap might support it?,other%20records%20on%20that%20name.

Hi Brandon!

Any chance you found a solution for this?

Hi @petyaaa6 :wave:

Yes, he did and shared the solution here: TUTORIAL – How to link a custom domain to a WeWeb app - #26 by brandon

I’ll be updating the user docs and recording a video tutorial this week so it’s easier for everyone to find the information in the future!

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