TUTORIAL – How to link a custom domain to a WeWeb app

:point_right:First, go on the settings of the project you want to link a custom domain to.

:point_right:Here, click on Domains, then on Connect an existing domain name:

:point_right:Here, type the domain you want to use and click Connect domain name:

:warning: WeWeb doesn’t support naked domain for the moment. Be sure to use a subdomain (the most common one is www) :warning:

:point_right:Then, you’ll land on this page with the data you’ll have to setup on your domain’s registrar:

The first one (in red) is a CNAME record that you should add so that your site uses SSL (HTTPS).

The second one (in green) is a CNAME record too, that you should add to link your subdomain (here www) to the website.

For both, the Name is the subdomain you should add the value in Data to.

To help you, here is the user documentation article with some tutorials for specific registrars:

:information_source: If your registrar is not on this list, please contact us.

Once redirected (it can take up to 48 hours depending on your registrar), your website should be live on your domain!


@Joyce The links to specific documentation seem to be broken.

I set up www.foliodc.com for my site, but I would like to make it work without the “www” as well (foliodc.com). It is not clear how to do this with a godaddy domain. Any advice?

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@foliodc you’ll need to setup a redirection for the Apex domain (@) to the www subdomain. It’s registrar-dependent, so you should check Goddady’s docs to do this :wink:

Apparently some people are already asking for this on their community: GoDaddy Community

Good catch! Just updated the first post with the link to the updated user doc.

Here’s the specific section for GoDaddy. It’s hard to keep all of these up to date but please don’t hesitate to let us know if you notice a big change in the GoDaddy interface.

Can you show how to do this for Google Domains? I tried a few things. No luck so far.

Link is broken @Joyce

Fixed! Thank you for letting us know, Felix :slight_smile:

Is there any way to link more than 1 custom domain to a weWeb app?

At the moment, you can only have one subdomain per app.

Sorry, what i mean is can i have example.com and example1.com both point to the same app. the purpose would be that inside the app, i’d bind a value to the base URL to hit my DB to retrieve a specific record that should only show when the app is loaded from a specific URL VS using URL parameters.

basically want to whitelabel the app that we are creating for each of our customers by giving them their own domain name that hits our main app, that based on the domain name applies certain stylings for the customer

For example, the header on Each would be “Welcome to example.com” and “Welcome to example1.com” repsectively

I think you can’t have two URLs pointing to the same app at the moment, due to AWS limitations. I’ll check with the team and come back to you!

Using CoAlias absolutely lets us do thiis! super cool tool. essential to our org


Nice, didn’t know this tool. I’ll have a look!

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just came across this tool today. Is CoAlias a plug-in or extension with WeWeb? I haven’t signed up yet, but I have some clients that are interested in having their own domain used for the WeWeb app I am building.

This tool is not affiliated with WeWeb :wink:

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LOL, this is great! We haven’t even heard of it! :rofl:

It’s a standalone service. Works really well!

Hello @Quentin @Joyce

When will Weweb.io support naked domains? This is, unfortunately, a bit of a deal breaker for me and I missed this when I began development 6 months ago. Very disappointing to find this out when I went live today! Please add this ‘fine print’ , in bold, to your signup page.

Who still types in ‘www’ for URL’s these days? Nobody. Everyone just types in the domain, which at present will cause a ‘server error’ notice in the browser as it automatically appends ‘https’ in front of the domain.

My nameserver (Namecheap.com) does not support naked https redirects (e.g from naked domain to ‘www’ subdomain) as they can’t install an SSL certificate on their redirect server.

I’m at a bit of a loss here. Is there a known solution, workaround, or nameserver that will work with naked domains and weWeb.io? e.g even if I have to move my domain to another registrar, in order to implement a solution I would consider it.

Checking out this thread it is not at all clear if there is a known and supported solution.

Please advise asap!

Using cloudflare would handle this I’d think.

Hi @Alexander_L

I had this issue with mine originally, but it had nothing to do with WeWeb - I just had to tweak my DNS settings with my domain provider. Your own domain provider should have a guideline on how to do this, all the ones I had used in the past had info about it.

Now, my app has no problem going to “example.com” or “www.example.com”.

As I understand, all WeWeb does is “communicate” the published app to the domain provider, which is not in natural language - it’s something in the background, and your domain provider is the one that handles the non-natural language backend to either the domain, naked domain or sub-domain that you configured.

Re-reading your post I realise that you have an issue with “http” vs “https”? Not sure. Keeping my answer for other readers just in case it can be of help to someone in the future :slight_smile:

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