Is it possible to connect multiple domains to a WeWeb website?

What I’m attempting to do is see if it is possible to connect multiple domains to one WeWeb project. What I would do with this is change which pages are shown to you depending on the domain you’re one. The main domain would be like and if you were on the website this way you would be directed to one page, but with domain you would be directed to a different page. I was just wondering if connecting multiple domains is possible. Thank you!

Any benefit in keeping it in a “closed system” like this? If using XANO database for example, the auth token for login in the cookies dictate the access, so in theory using 2 projects with same USER DB, would make it possible to reproduce “similar”.

You can currently only do this by setting up a reverse proxy, or using a reverse proxy service to set this up.

Multiple State Change members have accomplished this by exporting the project and hosting themselves. It’s not much work. They use the weweb editor, and then they run the export for serving to their clients. The web host (most popular is Digital Ocean) supports multiple domains, and the browser is aware of the domain coming in and decides what actions to take from there.

Easiest way to implement this is using wildcard domains (e.g., etc) because they can go on a single certificate. When you have multiple top-level domains (e.g.,, this puts a bigger tax on the certificate since the names it supports have to be enumerated. But you can do both.

Weweb provides an excellent editor and table-stakes hosting. When looking at features, separating what’s about building the code and what is about serving it lets you identify whether the solution is within weweb or about bringing another world-class vendor to the party.