Hi I'm Gauthier, Just thrilled about Weweb

Hi, My name is Gauthier and I’m a french product manager based in London.

Apart from working in product I’m a huge fan of :
:camera: street photography
:man_technologist:learning new tech related stuff (FreeCodeCamp is my bible)
:mountain:Hiking… leave everything to walk 10 days alone is my way to get a dose of adrenaline
:desktop_computer: work on side project on WeWeb


Hi Gauthier! Thanks for your kind words! We’re super happy that you’re enjoying WeWeb :grinning:

Love freeCodeCamp as well! That’s where our CEO @Raphael learned HTML and CSS actually :slight_smile:

So many questions come to mind:

  • where do you go hiking?
  • is there somewhere online we can see your street photography?
  • what kind of side projects will you be building on WeWeb?

Ok, that’s a lot of questions :sweat_smile:

In any case, don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything we can help you with!

Well hiking is wherever I can. Just join the UK so I think I’ll explore there a little bit. And as for the photography my instagram account is @walter_t.

The side projects I have for the moment are small SEO projects to help my brother in law’s business. But thinking of a bigger stuff and will definitely use Weweb to build it if possible


Hey @gauthier :wave:

So cool to see you here!

Don’t hesitate to ping me if you have any questions regarding SEO, that was my previous life :wink:

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