Do I develop whole webpages under 1 project or split into multiple

Hi, Is it normal to split weweb development into multiple projects that service the same custom domain?
For example a project for course delivery and another project for the admins to perform functions about the course delivery?

Or can it be done on 1 project and it just grows bigger with all its global variables (which can be harder to wade through).

I welcome any feedback as to which way as to best practices?

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Hi @kdjamo :wave:

I would develop both the user interface and admin interface in the same project.

It does get bigger and bigger as your project grows but it will be much easier to maintain than having separate apps :slight_smile:

We have a course where we build that type of project from scratch if you’d like.

It includes a Xano snippet and WeWeb template so you can follow along and build your own version of the app.

Many of the concepts in that course are intermediate so if you’re completely new to WeWeb, you might want to start with our first course that’s more focused on design and simple interactions instead.


For our part, we have decided to split the application into 3 different web projects.
They all use the same backend, but we quickly switched to this solution for reasons of maintainability and release impact. In fact, our 3 applications are quite different from each other, which justifies this decision.

  • To better manage security constraints on the backend, each application has its own endpoints.
  • If we change an endpoint on the backend, we may only affect a single app.
  • Backend performance is better because we don’t have to manage different scenarios on each endpoint depending on the needs of each application.

Thanks Geoffroy.,

That also has merit with your reasons for splitting the application into 3 different web projects.
My question with this pathway - could it still service different parts of the same domain website?
I assume multiple projects could work on the same domain in its own way?

Hi, Also, when it comes to the various plans, which ones allow for three or four separate live projects to be active at the same time?
When I look at the project plans (Starter / Scale, etc.), I can’t seem to find clarity as I would look to move next to the Starter plan and discover a cap on simultaneous live projects?
Thanking you,