Connecting WeWeb to PostgreSQL database | Microsoft Azure (with AD) vs. Xano

I’m new to WeWeb and have been testing all of its features, jointly with Xano.

I wanted to ask the following: what are the advantages of using Xano for the backend vs. using Microsoft Azure directly (with Azure Directory for managing users and user access)?

I get that Xano is easier to setup, out-of-the-box PostgreSQL database, creates endpoints automatically, etc. but for someone that already has a database hosted on Microsoft Azure, I see many more drawbacks that I see advantages (e.g., pre-defined geolocation of servers, no DB sharding, cumbersome to integrate Azure Directory with Xano through Auth0, etc.)

Can some expert provide a little more insights into this?

Thank you.

While you could connect your PostgreSQL DB directly to WeWeb using the SQL plugin, using an API like Xano (or even your own on Azure) is more secure.

Indeed, doing SQL calls from a frontend app can be subject to reverse-engineering, that why having a proxy API helps.

We would recommend using the SQL plugin only for private apps behind authentication systems.

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Thanks Quentin for the answer.

By SQL plugin, do you mean the PostgreSQL integration?

Also, when you state “using Xano is more secure”, what do you mean exactly? I get the proxy API argument, but these can be setup also directly on MSFT Azure (through Azure App Service and also through Azure Functions) to avoid reverse engineering. What are some other reasons one would use Xano, if well-versed in Azure?

Thank you.

There are a number of different back-end products you could use for the service layet. The north star should be what lets you make progress most quickly. If you know the Azure ecosystem, go run a REST interface off of that!

Personally, I am a fan of using Xano for a lot of my more routine backends, so if you didn’t already have a go-to, that would be my recommendation to you as well.