Hi there,
I was trying to add Xano auth to my app using the plugin.
I have the User table, and the auth endpoints for signup, login and me. All these endpoints work in the Xano debugger and postman.
In Xano do have a specific datasource to use in the editor (data source: dev) and one to use on test and live environment (data source: live). I use the same Metadata api key that I use for the working Xano datasource plugin.
When i try to setup the Xano auth plugin I get the error that some endpoint can’t be loaded and that signup endpoint can’t be loaded. This error also pops up when I try to add the Xano login action in a workflow. For some reason there aren’t any parameters I can bind (like email and password)
I already submitted a support ticket, but in the meantime I want to try an alternative approach.
I want to use rest api or xano api request to login and retrieve the jwt authentication token.
How should I store this token in a variable or local storage to use on pages where I check the result of the me endpoint and to fetch collections.
Upon logout I want to clear the token variabel and redirect to login page.
Is this possible and can someone point me in the right direction?