Upload Video Over 50mb to Xano

Hi, I have tried to use both uploader elements to upload videos to Xano. Its working great but if the video is over 50mb it fails. I have my reasons for wanting to host the videos in xano so an external service isnt going to work for me. The error comes from WeWeb, not Xano.

Does anyone know how I can solve this?

I replied to a version of the question on another thread, but just to surface for others:

To upload large files, you need a vendor who wraps a different approach, like Uploadcare or S3. Under the covers, they are using a PUT request of your actual file with special headers (usually a signed one-time-use authorization code), rather than trying to push a base64-encoded multipart POST request. The former is a lot more memory efficient on the other end. These are more complicated to manage, which is why companies offering front-ends for them can charge a bit of money. Uploadcare.com does this front-end job well.

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