Upload Images on Weweb sent to Xano

Hi everybody,

I had a case where some of my colleagues with the same workflow sometime return an error from Xano, sometimes not.

The case is simple, I upload an image on Weweb, and create this image in Xano to add it in a record.

The “classic flow” is :

  1. upload the picture on weweb
  2. making a request where I send the URL of the file and the name of the file (name+extension)
  3. Create an image From in Xano with my 2 previous information

On one app, this is working perfectly, and in another project (same picture, same workflows), I have a error 400 in return.
However, if I’m lauching the request with the same information in Xano, it’s working fine.

So in details, it seems that in the first app, the encoding was automaticaly made, and in the second it wasn’t.
So I had to add custom JS to encode.

Finally my question is : Is it possible that it could be a bug from Weweb, or is there anything (properties or settings somewhere) that can explain that behaviour?

Thanks a lot

Hi @Francois-SuperForge :wave:

That sounds strange.

Not sure how it could be WeWeb related if the settings are exactly the same in both projects but I’ll ask the tech team.

In the meantime, can you tell us a bit more about the projects: Are both projects calling the same Xano project as well? What is the detail of the error message returned by Xano when you test the workflow in WeWeb?

Is it possible the endpoint is protected on the Xano side of things and the person in the second app is not logged in or not logged in with the proper role for example?