Hello, community!
I’m wondering if anyone has successfully enabled Stripe payments in the Editor, Production, and Staging environments.
Here’s our setup: we’ve configured the test keys (PK & SK) in the Stripe plugin for the Editor and Staging environments, and the live keys (PK & SK) for Production.
The payment workflows function perfectly in both the Editor (Test) and Production (Live) environments.
However, when attempting a test payment in the Staging environment using the test keys, the payment modal fails to appear, and we receive the following message:
"error": {
"message": "The client_secret provided does not match any associated PaymentIntent on this account. Ensure the publishable key used belongs to the same account that created the PaymentIntent.",
"param": "client_secret",
"request_log_url": "https://dashboard.stripe.com/logs/req_10PYB78n3imHxE?t=1737541221",
"type": "invalid_request_error"
It seems that while the Staging domain correctly loads the plugin, it might still be using the live keys instead of the test keys, even though the configuration specifies the test keys.
Any ideas or suggestions?
Thank you very much,