Select in a component - Filtered options not passed to the input. Bug?

I have a Select input in a component. On the component level I define the list with a filter. In preview looks like the list is down to 2 items, however when I go to the input inside the component the filter is not applied. Is this a bug? It seems that the filtered options should be respected because obviously as a component you want it to be configurable outside not inside.

Data (on the component):

return [
id: 68,
investment_name: “Item 1”,
status: “current”,
id: 82,
investment_name: “Item 2”,
status: “potential”,
id: 82,
investment_name: “Item 3”,
status: “complete”,


Data on component:

Inside the component on the select (extra item that was filtered out on component level):


Hi @wealthsyndy :wave:

I’m having trouble understanding how things are setup based on the screenshots you shared.

That said, it sounds like you might be looking for component events. If you want something outside the component to trigger something inside the component, you’ll need to work with component events: Component events | WeWeb Documentation

Let me know if that helps