Transformed components not allowing Binding to the Input fields they have inside

I transformed a set of elements into a component which includes a Select Input and some other Text Inputs. The component was created by clicking the small icon in the editor “Transform to component”

After I turned it into a component I no longer “see” the various inputs so i can do things to them.
For example read if an input is empty or clear its contents with an action.

Specifically, as shown in the picture, I am trying to bind the “Display” of the Select Input field Caret Icon to what is happening in the Select Input field - but it is not there!

Can someone please help!!

I think it’s because you have conditional rendering off for that selected element. Either turn it on or force it to show in the editor and the options should pop up

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@Micah Thanks for the reply.

Not the case, everything is loaded - conditional rendering on.

They are hidden, might this also affect?