Rollup in filter - but on paginated data

Hi friends :slight_smile:
i have a few challenges on my learning path!
I have 2000 rows with tools, I just want to filter them.

  1. I have to turn on the paginator because without: Chrome is dead. 2000 rows is it huge or not?
  2. But when I turn on the paginator, my filters do the ROLLUP formula only on data from the first page. How to get data into filters from all rows?
  3. I have the plan to build a “cascading” filter - if I understand correctly some tutorials: I can filter results in a filter dropdown depending on another filter with IF in the filtering window - should that work?

screenshot for help to understand, I’m not sure about my English :slight_smile:

Thanks for any help!

Again: I tested last month 10000000 no-code tools, and weweb joins the biggest flexibility with true freedom for designers and IS EASY - at least for me. I just have to understand some key fields…
Great tool, thank you to developers…

Regards from Poland

2000 rows is a lot - browser is unlikely to handle. For that reason, you will need to handle pagination and filtering via your back-end. In that case, you will need to filter your data back-end and not in Weweb, because Weweb is only receiving the data one page at a time from your back-end :slight_smile:

Thank you, @raelyn I will try to do this now :slight_smile: In case of failure - I will ask you more!
Despite the result - thanks for your help!

Hi @swanlike :wave:

If I may complement @raelyn’s answer:

  • 2,000 rows is a lot for the browser to render on the page (so you definitely need pagination, in the front or back, you can decide based on the user experience you want. backend pagination will require making an extra API call)
  • but 2,000 rows might only represent a small volume of data to download (so you might not need to filter in the backend. you’ll need to check how much data those 2,000 rows represent to make that decision)

To learn more about front and back filters and pagination and when to use which, I’d recommend going through these two lessons of the WeWeb Academy:

CleanShot 2023-11-17 at 12.55.40@2x

Note that there’s a companion course handbook you might also find helpful that covers both these topics: