Rich Text Input has Arrived!

Thank you to the @weweb-team ! I’ve been waiting for this and am so excited to use this new element


Thank you @weweb-team! Dropped in beautifully, noticed a few things in the editor:

  1. Weird jump on my form when interact I with the menu. Seems to be related to a required field above that is empty. See video:
  1. Any way to turn off some buttons? I would like to keep responses more consistent, and it would save space / reduce clutter.

  2. Would like to add inline images as a feature request, stored in Xano preferably.

This is great to finally have this input! Plan to publish soon and start getting feedback. Thank you!


Yes very excited for this feature. I’m having some trouble using it in a Modal. When I try and add bullets, numbered lists the modal keeps closing.

I’m also seeing this error message pop up after it closes.


Thank you for all your feedback about this new element!

Sweet! I’m pumped for this.

I’m having some trouble using it in a Modal. When I try and add bullets, numbered lists the modal keeps closing.

I’m also seeing this error message pop up after it closes.

Thanks for pointing this out, @patopt. My first was going to be in a modal in a client app, so I’m going to hold off and wait to see some of these kinks worked out.

Following along :eyes:

The link button seems to trigger a change page workflow, even though I didn’t add any workflows to the element. Any ideas?

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We logged a bug yesterday: buttons triggers the submit of the form. This will be updated soon

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@aurelie I have a question, how should I store the rich text input as messages in my database? What type should I use? json/textfield? I use supabase

You can use either, but textfield should be enough. The content is exposed as HTML inside a string. :slight_smile:

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Thank you @Alexis

Hi Aurelie, any update regarding this fix?
I’d like to add another feature request to this, please. Form validation → select whether it’s a required field or not.

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any update on this fix?

@Cedric @kyanaloe the submit issue fix is on production now :slight_smile:


Need to do a little more testing, but my problems appear to have gone away!

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It seems as though On Change → Value doesn’t work for Rich Text inputs, at least not when in a list item. Is this purposeful?

Hi @kyanaloe, could you make a quick video of your issue in a list item

If I have only one rich text element, the On Change is working perfectly

Are there separate object for Rich Text now, for display and input? I see 1 object only, and it is not working as intended.

Here are my problems. I am pulling data from a Long Text block in Airtable with Rich text capability activated, so it has bullets, links and bolds in it.

As an uneditable object,

  • not displaying markdown properly, not recognizing line breaks, (other markdown editors recognise them)
  • no bullets (also no option to edit UL or LI object in styling)
  • no links
  • it has uneditable margins around it… I needed to give negative margin to mitigate that which is not nice.

Rich text, paragraph and text object, trying all 3 and seems quite pointless to have all 3 when there is no distinction on rendering like this. Rich text is not seeing the line breaks at all as you can see above… and all other listed issues.

Hi @yunus :wave:

Yes, both the rich text elements are the same right now:

We are having discussion internally to:

  • change the default settings of the rich text element so it’s in read-only mode and not editable (of course you will still be able to switch back but at least the different with the rich text input element will be more obvious and it will save you time when you’re looking to display text only)
  • add some editing features (e.g. underline or center text)
  • improve how text is rendered when it’s one single block bound to one rich text element

Right now, your issue is coming from the data format WeWeb receives from Airtable. Here you can see from my example that it’s a string:

The rich text element is:

  • not understanding that there’s markdown in that string, and
  • even if it did, it looks like we’re having issues with rendering markdown

I had a look and could only get the formatting right when adding a text with html formatting:

All this to say: thanks a lot for bringing this up!

I’ll add it to the product ticket on the rich text element and the team will look into it asap :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the detailed explanation. Looking forward to the improvement.

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I see that most other inputs have the option to make them required, but I don’t see that option on a rich text input.