Recommendation for business logic - using supabase

Hi all !

I’m at the point where I need to create a bit more business logic to validate data, manage errors and create some calculation workflows within my app.

I’m using supabase as DB and it’s been great so far.

BUT : I find doing the business logic through DB functions is kinda of a pain and I end up doing some logci in weweb which is baaad. There is the option to try out the new edge function but it also seem to be time intensive to create and deploy.

Any recommendation out there ? I’d like something simple to maintain and easily scalable. Wondering if I try edge functions…

Thanks !


Great question, let me check with the team and get back to you ASAP with a possible solution or resource that can help you.

AWS Lambda would probably be easier than edge functions


There are a number of Supabase wrappers out there for providing additional functionality on a more LCNC basis. Fastgen, Buildship and Comnoco come immediately to mind.

Xano competes in this space through the high-quality integration of the database and the no-code function stack builder for exactly the kind of control situation you describe. It’s not on supabase, but it does use PostgreSQL under the covers, which is the underlying technology in supabase too.


Thanks for this question @oblic and thanks for your responses @carrano_dot_dev and @raydeck. I was wondering this in the back of my mind for awhile and was prepared to do some deep research. You all took care of it in less than 5 minutes! :call_me_hand:t5:

Let me know if you have good experience with supabase wrapper.
I tried a few and it seem to requiert as much effort as using supabase DB function and-or Edge functions.

I didn’t like Xano, CRUD is easy but the rest is a pain, plus it’s expensive.
So I’ve been using DB function in supabase so far and it’s been working great.

Cheers !