Paginator not going back to 1st page, arrows don't work

I’m trying to use the paginator element with a Xano collection. It works fine going from page 1 to 2 to 3 and then back to 2, but won’t go to page 1 again. This is clicking on the page number.

The left arrow only shows in the editor, disappears in preview mode. The right arrow is shown, but doesn’t work when clicked.

Is this a bug? Or a setup issue?

Can you share your paginator configuration please ?

Hope these screenshots are what you are looking for:

Collection settings:

Paginator offset:

Paginator workflow:

@Alexis any insight on the issue?

Hi, I think what you bound on items per page and offset can be the issue.

In items per page you enforced 5. But on the offset calcul you use Clients.limit. Clients.limit is the items per page set at the collection level, but you disabled it because you already handle it Xano side. So you may replace Clients.limit with 5 instead.

Thank you so much, that did fix the issue.

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