Navigate to action returning error

Hello Community,

I’ve encountered an issue with the Weweb editor today. Whenever I use the “Navigate to” action in the workflow, I’m getting the following error:

name: "TypeError"
stack: <span style="color: var(--ww-color-yellow-500)">"TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '1') at at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Et ( at Object.guessPage ( at wt ( at Proxy.runTest ( at at"</span>
message: "Cannot read properties of null (reading '1')"

The action is set as follow :video_camera:

A quick demo :video_camera:

Typically, navigating like this from the editor doesn’t cause much, but I’m concerned about pushing this to production with the new error.

Can anyone shed some light on why this error is occurring and if it’s normal while working in the editor?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,


Does the same error happen when removing the initial “/”+

Hello @luka,

FYI, I’ve push on production recently and the bug is not appearing, neither in the editor anymore.

I close the topic.

Thank for you consideration,

