Management system (ERP) for my makeup company

Hi guys, my name is Enzo Carmo :raising_hand_man:t2:, I’m a 15-year-old Brazilian fanatic about technology :computer: and entrepreneurship :chart_with_upwards_trend:. I come to present a project of mine that I did with weweb (it’s not the first) not to promote my work or anything like that, but to show those who are new to weweb what is possible to do with this wonderful tool

This was a project made especially for a company I own, it is a company that sells wholesale makeup in supermarkets (on consignment), as it is a new business model, we needed a very specific system, so nothing more or less than creating one of his own.

The project was completed in just under 1 month, using Supabase as the backend

I will present some modules that I made, but they will probably all be summarized.

Sorry if I can’t explain it well, I’m translating it using Google Translate :stuck_out_tongue:

The features of my project are:

:star: Product registration and management, including:

  • Registration and management of brands.

  • Registration and management of categories

  • Registration of several barcodes (in my field, in the case of makeup, it is normal for products to come with more than one barcode)

  • Pricing per customer

  • Photo gallery

:star: Merchandise purchases, including:

  • Registered and managed purchase orders (I select the product and quantity), which can be downloaded as a PDF to send to the supplier.
  • Entry of merchandise invoice: I don’t know how it works in the United States, but every time we buy merchandise here in Brazil, the supplier issues an electronic invoice, and the government offers its xml file, my system reads the file and sees how it went paid the supplier, which products were purchased, thus posting in inventory and finance.

:star: Selling products, including:

  • Sales registration and management with invoice issuance integration

:star: Financial, including:

  • Registration and management of financial releases that can be entered as accounts payable or accounts receivable.

  • Registration and management of bank accounts that have as information the bank account balance updated due to revenue and expense entries.

  • Bank account statement

:star: Product stock

  • Deposit registration and management
  • Product inventory management

:star: People (Suppliers, customers, transport companies)

  • Registration and management of people and groups of people

:star: Reports

  • Sales, financial, inventory reports and more

The sky is not the limit for :cloud::rocket:

Signed: Enzo C.

PS: @aurelie launch the new datagrid so I can finish my project :face_holding_back_tears:


Some more screens:


Congrats @enzocarmo
Looks great! :slight_smile:

Da hora!

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Hi, @enzocarmo, There is nothing wrong with promoting your WeWeb project here; in fact, we highly encourage it!


Yeah this is impressive @enzocarmo

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Wow, congrats, looks great aka “Baita legal” :slight_smile: . Really great to see these type of products out there.

What are you using as frontend? Just curious as I am going to develop an Online Store and Marketplace in the future and considering also to have WeWeb as my ERP and DAM.

I am really hoping WeWeb will step up in the future in terms of SEO, this will drive making online stores a possibility and give WeWeb more market share. Prices of WooCommerce and Shopify as just not optimal, WeWeb could have the better advantage here in the near future.

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what do you mean what am I using on the front end? about online stores, in the near future I will do, under SEO, search later how to make your product appear in Google shopping, it is a document teaching everything about how to have an ideal SEO for an online store, you can do everything on


Disregard me, my brain avoided the “On consignment” lol.

The issue is not the Google Shopping itself, but the SEO in the weweb pages. From what I read in the forum there is a workaround for that, but to be fairly honest, didn’t analyze that much yet, more for the last part.

But definitely an online store built in WeWeb will be much cheaper in the ling run than WooCommerce or Shopify. Looking forward to see one in the near future.

I’ve already created a store on WooCommerce, what bothered me the most is that you don’t have control over many things, and you can’t do very specific functions. The good thing about weweb io is that, you can build something from its structure and do whatever you want, for example, on mine I’m even going to create a cashback system.

Nice job! Especially at such a young age :clap:

Incrível, de brasileiro para brasileiro, que trabalho bacana!!

Eu estou começando a fazer um CRM para micro-empreendedores, que buscam atingir cada vez mais o mercado B2C, e a minha interface será feita através do weweb.

Espero chegar no mesmo nível de projeto que o seu, abraço!

Que bom cara, boa sorte no seu projeto, qualquer coisa estou aqui para ajudar!

O ERP, eu mostrei bem por cima, mas tem bastante coisa que eu nunca imagina que seria possível criar.