Is there a basic List item component in WeWeb? I cannot find one currently. Just need something simple that outputs the standard UL/LI etc…
Is there a basic List item component in WeWeb? I cannot find one currently. Just need something simple that outputs the standard UL/LI etc…
The rich text editor will work for this
p will work
You just need to use markdown. So the star for an unordered list.
what are you trying to do? do you have a list in a rich text field in Airtable for example or do you want to write the text in WeWeb directly or do you have a list of items in your backend that you want to display as a list in WeWeb?
I’m just wanting to manually add a list of features with a custom SVG icon on each list item
Just the following basically…
This is how I would do it:
I’ll try that
Would be cool having a UL/LI option in the future for code semantics right?
Great idea! I’ll add this to the roadmap