Hi WeWeb community!
Looking for some tips on how to integrate user meta data into my already-created uploadcare widget. The file uploader widget was implemented on the front end using the “HTML Embed” element in which I placed both the Javascript for the upload widget, along with the HTML. I also then included external CSS in the page custom code “head” tag.
Custom code in the HTML Embed element:
<script type="module">
import * as LR from "https://esm.sh/@uploadcare/blocks@0.22.9/web/file-uploader-regular.min.js";
Page-level custom code in the “head” area:
.my-config {
--cfg-pubkey: "292573fe2bf64edd45a9";
--cfg-img-only: 1;
--cfg-multiple: 1;
--cfg-max-local-file-size-bytes: 2147483648;
--cfg-use-cloud-image-editor: 0;
--cfg-source-list: "local, url, dropbox, gdrive";
--cfg-remove-copyright: 1;
--darkmode: 0;
--h-accent: 223;
--s-accent: 100%;
--l-accent: 61%;
I’m trying to integrate the code shown here to include metadata when images are uploaded, but I have no idea how to do so because I want to include the User ID (of the user logged into weweb). It’s clear that it can be done using JS, but I can’t figure out how:
Here’s what I have so far:
Widget looks good and functionally works to upload images. But I cannot figure out how to include metadata upon uploading:
No metadata included (this is what i need help with):
Any help would be greatly appreciated!