Hey folks! I’ve had a blast with WeWeb development so far.
I’m developing a Yelp-like business directory (www.nearclub.co if you want to see my work in progress) that will be very image-heavy. I’m uploading images directly to Xano for my MVP, but I’m hoping to move to a CDN for faster load times, cheaper storage, image compression x formatting, etc.
Uploadcare does this and has a super slick photo upload UX, so it’s really an amazing fit.
I’ve seen conversations here about a potential Uploadcare plugin, and it seems the NPM plugin might be useful for folks who can code. But has anyone stumbled on a good no code solution for now?
Specifically looking to do the following:
- Uploading user submitted images directly to a CDN such as Uploadcare (ideally with the CDN’s upload UX, or at least an upload UX that is better than WeWeb’s)
- Updating related Xano records with the URLs of the images uploaded to the CDN
I’ve implemented this into many of my applications. It’s pretty easy and as you said, pretty slick.
Any tips for how you added the Uploadcare uploader to your WeWeb site?
I’ve tested a few different approaches that are near matches but haven’t figured it out. Would be greatly appreciated!
Yea- allow me to put together a tutorial tomorrow and send it over to you.
You rock!!! Thank you so much.
You are an absolute legend for this!!! Going to try it tonight, then I’ll be sure to spread your work elsewhere in this community — not sure if people realize how powerful this can be for apps with user-uploaded content. THANK YOU!
@Profound5753 Wow - Uploadcare is crazy awesome. Not sure how I was not aware of this!!
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@Profound5753 hello! Did you face with error “UPLOADCARE_PUB_KEY is invalid”? I did all as on your video you, but it doesn’t work
UC account has been already created
@Profound5753 Thank you so much for the video but I’m facing the problem that no event is listened in my javascript.
With this js, the uploader is seen indeed but it’s jumping upon the eventListener. Would you know why ?
I precise that the image is uploaded as I can see it in my uploadcare acount.

Book some time with me and I’ll help you solve this.