Supabase action to add metadata to files

Hey @Joyce, I’m trying to add metadata to a file on upload, so that I can display uploaded files under certain user conditions.
Could it be possible to think of an action (or a “metadata” field in the “Storage / upload” action parameters) that allows you to add metadata in the storage.objects “metadata” field (as for the sign up action in Weweb)?
Or is there another easy way that I didn’t see ?
Thanks in advance !

Any ideas ?

Hey @Corner :wave:

This is currently a Supabase limitation but it looks like they are working on it!
Once they release it, we’ll qualify the ticket to improve the Supabase plugin :slight_smile:

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Amazing ! Thanks for the reply :slight_smile:

By the way, I’ve come to a home made solution for my issue : I made a sql query in Supabase to create a table in the public schema, that references docs in my bucket (same logic as for users replication), and then I added fields to this public table to be able to add “metadata” (even if it’s not really the case), to be able to filter the display of the docs within the public table on Weweb.

It’s a but sketchy but it works haha

That’s a good workaround, thanks for sharing!
We’ll keep an eye out on that subject and keep you updated when things move.

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