I'm having issues setting up a 3rd party auth system in xano

when i make an king an api call to the the registered url, and in the workflow tab i can see the apicall is successful and the 3rd party auth modal is showing but in the editor and preview environmeent the 3rd party auth is not coming up. i also want to be able to push the authtoken evevtually gotten and allow users use it to authenticate their account. This is a video that explains better New Recording - 8/11/2023, 10:36:16 AM on Vimeo

Hi @iconicsam :wave:

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to watch your video because I don’t have a subscription with Vimeo. Would you mind sharing the recording on a public platform?

hey @Joyce sorry about that this is a link that should work loom video

Thank you @iconicsam!

It looks to me like you’re super close but not sure what you’re doing wrong. Let me ask the tech team if they can help :slight_smile:

In the meantime, two things:

  1. this video might help (Q goes through the entire Xano + Google auth process)
  2. I’d recommend disabling that REST API action you have to fetch the user because I see a secret key in there and all the calls you make using the REST API plugin in WeWeb are visible client-side. When the “Make this request through a server” option is enabled, we proxy the request to bypass CORS issues but the request is still visible in the user’s browser.
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Hi, if its a choice, why you do not use the Xano Auth plugin ? On Xano you can install the google plugin from their marketplace and setup social login through google easily in WeWeb with Xano Auth.

If you need a custom implementation you should still use the Xano Auth plugin and the store auth token action from this plugin. And the implementation must be done backend side, you can look at how the google plugin on xano works (it will install some api endpoints) and do the same thing on your own.