I completely rebuilt my first WeWeb Project based on Users Feedback - Would love some more feedback!

Hi everyone!

I had an idea for a website where founders could list their favorite tools/products. I found that I couldn’t really trust reviews anymore or Product Hunt because it was all a popularity contest. The one way I felt like I could really trust a company/tool is if a founder I trust used it and loved it. Enter my ‘grand’ idea - FaveFlow (www.faveflow.com)

I eventually found WeWeb and started building ASAP! I thought the learning curve would be too high for me since I’m in finance and I literally have zero knowledge of any coding principals. But the more I watched & read tutorials online… the easier it became for me.

In essentially 2-3 months, I built FaveFlow! It’s an site that allows founders to submit their favorite tools & products into specific stacks (i.e marketing stack, tech stack, finance, etc.). My mind was blown. I did not know a single line of code - yet I was able to build a site where users could sign up, submit new companies and have it show up instantly, bookmark companies and view it later on, etc. An idea in my brain was on paper.

The issue: no one was signing up. I made a whole post on X and got a good amount of views… but then no one signed up. I was devastated. Did no one think this idea was great? Did I waste two months on a product that no one wanted? Two weeks after launch and a measly 3 people signed up. And there were less than 5 companies added.

I almost gave up. Was willing to work on the next idea in my head. But I decided to look at some analytics and talked to users. This is what I found:

  1. No Google Sign Up + Email Confirmation- Users were turned off by signing up through their email manually and then they had to wait for an email confirmation. For a brand new website with little users - users just weren’t interested in a log onboarding process. Email confirmation wasn’t necessary at this early stage.
  2. UI Not Mobile Friendly - I built the entire UI based on desktop. I barely looked at how it looked on mobile. Incredibly dumb when I looked at my analytics. 70% of users that visited my site were on MOBILE. This made most users see the site and then be like “wow this site is ugly and everything is not useable”. I made sure the desktop UI looked great - but only 30% of users were desktop.
  3. People are Busy - I Made It Hard For Them
  4. When I first created the site, there were only companies on the site that I listed. That means everyone who signed up had to submit a new company’s information for every company that they want to add into their stack. For example, if you signed up and wanted to add ‘Stripe’ into your finance stack and it wasn’t already listed - you would have to add it yourself with the information. This included logo, information, website, category, etc. No one wanted to do this for their entire stack.
  5. I also made people verify that they were founders before submitting companies. I wanted only verified founders. Just a dumb rule at this early stage. No one wanted to submit verification.
  6. Ghost Town - It’s a site to discover awesome founders and their favorite tools. 1 big issue… I launched with only 1 founder on there - me. Why would anyone want to sign up to a site thats supposed to showcase founders and companies… with zero founders & companies to discover. Dumb, once again.
  7. Bad Categorization- Initially I made the ‘stacks’ 3 different stacks - 1. Software/Tools, 2. Agencies, 3. Personal Obsessions. Almost all companies added were 1. Software/Tools. No one listed agencies & personal obsessions. This made Software/Tools a big bucket of companies that was hard to filter through.

I looked through all these and I came to the conclusion that… they were fixable. So I said let me try 1 more time and rebuild it from the ground up. I literally deleted my project in WeWeb and started anew. But because I had already learned WeWeb & Supabase (my backend) - this time would be much much quicker. I rebuilt www.faveflow.com in less than 4 weeks. I addressed all the issues I identified earlier:

  1. Added Google Sign Up / Log In - 80% of new users now sign up with Google. Shoutout to WeWeb/Supabase for making this incredibly easy! Less than 5 minutes to implement!
  2. Removed Email Confirmation - I was naive and thought there would be hundreds of hundreds of users signing up and I wanted to reduce spam accounts. I didn’t need this as most sign ups are legitimate in these early days. If I get bigger, it’s something I would definitely consider. Not needed now especially with the goal of getting new users.
  3. Redesigned Entire UI for Mobile - I redesigned the entire UI from the ground up. I designed in MOBILE first. I made sure it looked good & usable in mobile. And only then I made sure it looked good in Desktop. There are still some funky stuff in mobile but it is far more useable than before.
  4. Pre-Populated 400+ Popular Companies - I manually added over 400 popular companies across many categories (tech, marketing, finance, etc). This way when users signed up - all they needed to do was click on a company to add it to their stack. Reduced time to create a stack from over 10 minutes to under 2 minutes. ALOT of work on my end - but in the end it was a huge win I think. Now most founders are using prepopulated companies plus they now have the time to add new companies (since they don’t have to add 10+ new companies - just 1 or 2).
  5. Manually Added 30+ Founders Stacks - I manually added over 30 founders stacks. I searched all over X/Twitter for posts mentioning ‘stack’ from prominent founders. This way when someone went to FaveFlow… they saw that it was populated and weren’t afraid to add a stack themselves. I tried to solve the ghost town issue - and I think it worked! Founders that I listed manually could claim their own profile with 1 click and then I would transfer everything over to them. Issue solved!
  6. Updated Categories Into Specific Stacks - The more I read about founders stacks - the more I noticed they didn’t different it by software, agency & personal. They categorized it by Tech Stack, Marketing Stack, Finance Stack, etc. So I expanded those 3 categories into 12 different stacks.

Since I published all these changes and announced it on X… I’ve received so much more success:

  • FaveFlow went from 30+ founders to now 75 founders! Almost all were user sign ups ( I stopped manually adding founders since the 1st week)
  • FaveFlow went from a negligible 100 views to over 2,000 views over 2 weeks!
  • From my 400+ companies that I painstakingly added… users submitted over 100 companies themselves! The power of making it easy for founders - the easier their life - the more work they’ll put in for your company!

This is obviously early days and not even CLOSE to a success. I still need to churn up the views and more importantly the sign ups. Need to beef up SEO and speed time of the website (still slow). Need to work in more cool features. But from a month ago where I was going to quit… literally… it’s been a wild ride and I’m glad I stuck with it. WeWeb allowed me to build an idea in my brain into a tangible product online that people are actually using. Like holy cow. That’s WILD to me.

Feel free to play around with it - sign up - add your stack - and tell me how FaveFlow can get better. Feedback is key and how I got to this point in the 1st place.

Check out FaveFlow here and check out my stack here! Thanks everyone!


Hi @BDHoang :wave:

Congrats on the (re)launch!

Love the learnings. Thanks for taking the time to share these :slight_smile: A lot of growth comes down to how clean the brand image is and how little friction it takes for people to understand and try what you’re doing.

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