Looking for feedback on my first WeWeb project

Hey, this is the first project that I’ve actually published, and pretty much the second website I’ve ever made so I’m sure I’m overlooking a few things.

Trying to get some feedback on the user experience and the look and feel. I’m specifically looking for things you either really like, or that you hate. How do you feel about the colors?

It’s quite a small site for now, but it will grow soon!

If you end up looking at it, thanks!



Looks very good :slight_smile: The only thing is, that when I’m logged in, even though I made some purchases, clicking on the My profile button just redirects me in a strange way, it flashes the user dashboard, but then it redirects me to my purchased items page. Did you do the designs yourself? That’s like, the biggest selling point for me, as the project seems quite a few screens. The multistep forms are great :slight_smile:

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Thanks for taking a look!

Yes, it is going through a redirect when going to the profile page. I haven’t finished setting up the entire account section, so I thought I’d do a redirect to purchases, but I was hoping it’d look a bit smoother, ha. Will try to rework the account links for now.

For the interface, I made all the elements, but took a lot of inspiration from designs on Dribbble and Google Images

A simple question: in Mobile mode, on the landing page, the main menu, when I click on an option (custom or Home), the menu does not close and I have to click on the “X”.

As I don’t know if this behavior is the standard, I’m posting it here! :wink:

PS. What a beautiful design! Congrats!

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Thanks for letting me know! Do you know what OS you’re using? It seems to work fine on an incognito tab on IOS.

It’s supposed to stay open upon page transition, then after the new page has finished fetching, the menu should collapse again.

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Yes. it closes after loading. perfect!

I’m on Android phone using Chrome.

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