Examples of WeWeb apps with beautiful design + UX + UI

Hi all! WeWeb novice here.

I realize this section of forum isn’t too active, so this might be a question for the WeWeb team—what are the most beautiful WeWeb applications you’ve come across in terms of design, UI, and UX?

Conceptually, I get really excited about WeWeb because of the design, UX, UI design freedom while my data lives somewhere else. I’d love to see some examples of this in practice. :grinning:


I would really like to see some or many of these. I am considering using weweb, but probably would not until I have seen really good working examples


Hi both :wave:

Great question!

Some of my personal favorites:

What do you think?

Do these meet your expectations?

Don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything you’re worried you might not be able to do in WeWeb.

FYI, the two things we’re not good at are no-code interactions and absolute positioning:

  • absolute positioning should be back soon (we took it out because it wasn’t behaving as expected and that was incredibly confusing to users
  • you can work with custom JS but, at the moment, we don’t have plans to develop no-code animations “à la Webflow”

Hope that helps!

Have a great weekend :grinning:


Thank you for the links, Joyce!

I like those examples, though I’m particularly interested in WeWeb applications that

  1. Have authentication.
  2. Use plenty of relational data.
  3. Are clearly operating and being used at the core of a business.

From the three apps with authentication you mentioned—

  • Kuno app doesn’t look like it’s in-use (or at least, the functionality is all the way there. I landed at this dead-end after going through the onboarding flow).
  • With Steady-Sun, I was only able to submit a form. I couldn’t access anything beyond that.
  • Now Index seemed to work, but it was very basic and it doesn’t seem like it operates as a business.

Again, conceptually, I think anything I would want would seems like it would be possible. However, seeing an example from others would be really great and reassuring.

For example, here are a few businesses built with Bubble that fit my description—

I really want to see these types of builds with WeWeb as I very much prefer a separate front-end and back-end tool. :slightly_smiling_face:

Please let me know if any other examples come to mind!


Hi I feel the same about these reference sites, they have little general depth and are not good examples of quality functional web sites/apps. It would be great to see a number of good examples.

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Aaaah ok, apologies for that. From your first question I thought you were worried about potential limitations in terms of design so I went for the ones that I think look cool :blush:

In terms of complex apps, we have quite a few like Steady Sun that I mentioned already. The problem is they’re mostly behind an authentication system protecting proprietary data :confused:

We’re working on a showcase page to walk you through a few of these with screenshots and interactive demos that hide sensitive information.

We do have some more customer facing projects but it hasn’t been our focus so far.

PS: Thanks a lot for providing examples @caffeinatedwes! It gives me a good feel for what we should include in the showcase :grinning:


No worries at all, @Joyce!

We do have some more customer facing projects but it hasn’t been our focus so far.

Could you elaborate on this a bit? Are you saying that WeWeb has been more focused on B2B applications (or internal tools?) vs public-facing B2C applications?

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Hi @caffeinatedwes :wave:

Not really. We work B2B and B2C. We also have B2B applications that are public-facing but behind an auth wall.

It’s more that B2B users have reached out to us more whereas B2C tend to like to be left alone in the app :slight_smile:

So I know more about the B2B use cases than the B2C ones.

It may also be that consumers try us out of curiosity and build cool, small projects to get started like this one that uses an AI API from Art of NoCodeDevs, this directory of Notion templates, or this Twitter clone from Nicola.

Whereas companies often come to us with a clear plan and a sense of urgency after hitting the limits of other solutions so they’re able to build super complex projects quite fast and we have more of those to showcase.

That’s my feeling at this point any way! The product can serve both consumers and businesses but we have a lot of work to do to raise awareness and explain better what problems we solve :grinning:


Thank you for elaborating, @Joyce. Makes a lot of sense!

BTW, I think you meant a different link for the Twitter clone! (Maybe this one? https://twitter.com/ntoledev/status/1535942868673634309)

Anyway, circling back to the topic about WeWeb apps with awesome design, have you seen Webflow developers jump in pretty easily to handle WeWeb’s designer/builder?

I ask as I’m seeing more use cases for WeWeb projects, but I’d want to hire a designer to design the front-end (they don’t have to configure the logic or tie in the back-end—I’m happy to do that). I’m curious if others might work this way.

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Yes, that’s the Twitter clone I meant!

Yes! We’ve noticed that Webflowers understand WeWeb super fast. There’s a huge project I’ve been dying to show you made by one of my favorite webflowers but the client is not ready to launch yet :sweat_smile:

Usually, webflowers also get the logic side of things pretty quickly because they already have the experience setting up automations with Zapier and adding dynamic filters with Jetboost for example.

They would like us do develop a couple of the features they have in Webflow (style by classes and no-code animations) but it doesn’t stop them from having fun building :slightly_smiling_face:

Advanced no-code animations are not on our radar at the moment but we’re looking into the possibility of styling by classes so maybe an improvement for the future!

Re how people work, we have people working with one person in WeWeb and one person in Xano to optimize each but I’m not aware of anyone working with one person focused on the design in WeWeb and another on the logic.

I’m sure it could work though! Maybe the way things work in terms of logic could impact the design at times (I’m thinking of how you might design a search bar for example) but nothing major I don’t think.

Does that help? If you’d like, we could put you in touch with a couple of Webflowers who have experience with Weweb to discuss your projects :slight_smile:


Yes, very helpful. Thank you as always, Joyce!


I’m still not really seeing many obvious examples of sites built on WeWeb… are we just too early? A couple of serious, legitimate businesses powered by WeWeb would do my confidence the world of good.

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@richardwhatever I strongly believe we’re early.

I had the same concerns when I posted this thread. As I didn’t get the responses I was looking for, I began building/testing with WeWeb while exploring alternatives. I’m familiar with the no-code space and eventually decided on betting on WeWeb for my business (no-code product development) and my client’s business.

My current client is a business that has 20+ employees, and I’m building them a completely custom internal tool and external platform, all on WeWeb and Xano. It’s a big project that about half their team and hundreds of their current external users will use weekly. I’m working on it with one other contractor (to focus on WeWeb) and I also hired a developer to develop a custom component for the project. While I’m not comfortable sharing it now, I plan to share it with the WeWeb community when live.

@kevinwasie has a pretty cool and advanced project in the works, though I can’t recall if it’s publicly accsssible?


Hi Wes,

I’m assuming from the response you’re happy and confident in your decision! :slight_smile:

That’s great, definitely the sort of data point that gives encouragement. My initial WeWeb project sounds very similar to yours in the sense that it too is an internal tool for a 20+ employee company, with constant daily use, and most likely a Xano backend

I thought WeWeb were helping themselves find product market fit by dog-fooding the app and using it to build websites for specific well respected clients. I’m curious as to why none of these are being showcased as proof of concepts.


Yep! For me, I feel like the last hurdle is implementing a proper staging–>production process, which seems a bit more manual now as there isn’t a native feature for this in WeWeb.

This is my understanding as well. Great question. I imagine @Slavo has some examples as I know he helps/helped with this?

how do you implement staging & production proses on weweb.io ?

You might be interested in this topic :


Hey @richardwhatever :wave:

@caffeinatedwes is correct, you are early :slight_smile:

We do have a number of legitimate businesses powered by WeWeb or using WeWeb to build UIs for internal tools. Unfortunately, at the moment, the projects with the most interesting features and logic are behind authentication and not open to the general public.

We are currently working on a showcase page so we can show you behind-the-scenes of these apps.

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I really think you should make that a priority. Without good examples it is hard to justify the inherent risk in a new platform.

Maybe consider building a library of demo apps… an ecommerce site, forum, directory, task manager, etc.

I want to use you… I just to find supporting evidence for the decision 😎


I second that the showcase feels like a high priority. Weweb has a great set of features and I’ve had fun building on it for the past handful of days, but haven’t seen examples of the most complex builds that could blow my customer base away.