HELP ! Data Source SQL not connecting

What am i doing WRON?G

our new database is now ready to use.

To connect to your database use these details;


phpMyAdmin is now available to administer your database

See in private chat by the support

You have this error because your Server does not support secure connection
We use SSL

what about this site then
I can not connect this either and it is secured

Here is what my hosting said…

Thank you for contacting TMDHosting Technical Support Team!

We would be glad to assist you.

As we understand you are trying to apply a Remote Database connection for your database via some SQL plugin.

In this case, we would like to inform you that you can use the following settings to apply a remote SQL connection.

Host Name: [](
Login: Use the database user to which you are trying to connect
Password: use the database user’s password
Database: database you are trying to access

Should the issue persist, please update us more with information regarding your issue so we can assist you further.