How to access to a database self-hosted?

Hello everyone,

My client is self-hosting a sql database, how can he give access to the database so that I can work with the editor from home? (Is there an IP address for the editor? I saw that there was an IP address for the workspace, is that enough?)

Thanks for your feedback

Depends on what protections you have in place. Usually databases have credentials like host, user, password etc.
You can use WeWeb SQL plugin for this. Is this an internal dash, or something facing clients? Because using pure SQL, without any security checks, you’re exposing yourself to security breaches / SQL injection.

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Hello @Broberto,

Thank you for your answer.
It is for an internal application. But for building it I have to have access to the DB (and I’m not in local server) so I asked my self how to do it. By whitelisting the IP adress or just with the host / user and PW?

To connect to a DB you need credentials (pwd, user, host … ) the IP whitelist part is more of a precaution that you take, so that nobody accesses your DB in an unauthorized way.

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Thank you very much.
And so do you know if there is an IP for the editor or if I took the IP of the workspace it is ok ?

You can find this in the settings, I think it’s the workplace and it should be the same for all the projects.

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