FREE - Migrate your Bubble database to Xano in minutes

:green_circle: MIGRATOR - BubbleToXano :rocket:

Today we are officially releasing the first version of Migrator - BubbleToXano.

Yes, it is now possible to migrate your Bubble database to Xano in minutes, not days or weeks.

At first, you can use it completely free of charge, so enjoy and if you have any questions, just call us on Chat whoever is on the migrator.


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Just promoted it on the No-code France community, people are triggered!

Thank you very much. I need someone to help with the translation into French so that it is better accepted. How can I do it?

Iā€™d be happy to help :wink:

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Does that include option sets too? Linked data types?

The site says data migration (coming soon)

Does your tool replicate data models/tables only or does it also bring over the data?

Not complete options sets, only options set type fields. This is because Bubble does not allow accessing options sets from the API.

For now we migrate tables, fields and relationships between tables. In the future we intend to carry out the data migration process as well.

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