Editor becomes unresponsive everytime it is opened

Editor crashes everytime I open it, the only thing that helps is waiting for the page to become unresponsive and reloading it with clearing the cache.
Seems to be happening since the summer release, I didn’t encounter this prior. The same thing is happening to a collegue of mine, we are both using a windows pc.


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I think the best course of action would be to open a ticket at support.weweb.io, they’ll know best + they have all the tools and workflows to check what’s wrong.

Hey @liv.potocnakova :wave:
Does it happen on specific pages? You can also try lauching the Editor in Safe mode

+1 to Broberto’s recommendation to submit a ticket.

I had a similar problem, which occurred when screen sharing WeWeb over video, and concluded my Macbook Air didn’t have enough memory. I upgraded to a Macbook Pro and haven’t had the problem since. It’s interesting that you notice a correlation to the summer update. I’d also say, if your colleague is experiencing the same, I wonder if there’s something about the architecture of your site and/or pages that is causing it.