I’m working on creating an MVP for a marketplace. I have a question regarding showing different front-end “cards” for listings depending on whether there is a specific data point in my xano DB.
Let me describe it with an example.
I have a marketplace where I want to offer sellers to pay extra for a larger listing including more images in the feed. Is it possible to set up with WeWeb, any ideas on how I could tackle this would be appreciated.
So you want to sell Listings, and the listing structure will depend on the package the seller pays for, like
Package Starter
1 Image
Package Basic
10 Images
Package Advanced
Unlimited images
I used to this a lot in WordPress, but there was more tricky, basically you would create user plan, when a package was purchased, a plan was attributed to the user. Then on the frontend for the user to have more features, it was only “conditionally rendered” depending on the plan the user would have. or for example for images:
You could have a form that you upload images, but after uploading you could do a count, if Plan is starter and image count = 1 then all good, if he would then try to upload another image, it would block the user and ask to upgrade.
On the image side load you could do a rule in the gallery if user plan = starter then image 1 is loaded else if advanced, all images are loaded.
These are just ideas on top of my mind, but I believe it is much simpler to build this in Weweb than in WordPress.