Does WeWeb have any native Webhook feature?

Hey everyone, how’s it going?

I would like to update a status field in Xano (I intend to use the new database trigger feature) and send the record data to WeWeb. In Bubble, they had a webhook for these cases, but I believe that WeWeb, being a frontend tool, might not have one.

Does anyone know how to do this in WeWeb? How can I listen to this Xano trigger event and update the collection for my interface?

Thanks in advance.

Weweb is front-end only, so there’s no webhook to work with.

One solution is to have your weweb poll the backend, asking “is anything new?” This would be a workflow on a timer.

A second option is to receive websockets. You’ll need to do some plumbing to wire up Weweb with wss from a third party service (you might check out for an easy API in this regard) that can relay info from a Xano-initiated API request.

There is a rumor that Xano will provide support for websockets or other persistent connection in a future release on a first-party basis. But that doesn’t exist yet.

Note that websockets have challenges for authentication and for scalability - they hold resources on the server side, increasing the load by a lot more per user. It’s like needing a door for every guest in your home, rather than letting many come and go but through the same door.

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