Xano Realtime Websockets!

FINALLY. Xano launched Realtime through Websockets lol. Is there anything we need to do to use this in WeWeb or do we need to wait for an update?

I realize they released this like an hour ago so I’m likely jumping the gun on this question


Eagerly awaiting the weweb update to become compatible with Xano Realtime.


and … they released PGVECTOR for embeddings in the same release!


XANO web sockets w/WeWeb is going to be :fire:


It’s time for me to remove the Pooling hacks I made in my application. Come on weweb team, now it’s up to you!

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Yay, maybe even the Supabase realtime won’t be gatekept after Xano recieves an update :eyes:

Counting the seconds.

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So excited for this too lol!

Super excited too ! What a release indeed :heart_eyes:

@Joyce @Doc - when is a potential timeline for Xano’s realtime to be embedded within WeWeb?

In the past, it’s been said on Office Hours that WeWeb is just waiting on Xano. Understandably it’s not going to be a day turnaround, but would a week or two be reasonable? Would love to see this enacted as it will help with notifications and chat interfaces. Thanks!



Also very interested in this. Whilst we’re waiting for a native integration, does anyone know if its possible to leverage the Javascript example that Xano provided and use this to expose live changes in WeWeb?

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hi weweb community,
is there an update on this or a tutorial to implement xano’s realtime websockets in weweb?

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