Discovered Weweb filter bug... where do I report Weweb bugs?

The reason for the bug below is that when you use a number value from a Select element as a filter value, Weweb converts in to a string, which it shouldn’t do…it’s a number type. So I had to convert in to number type in the formula , but shouldn’t have to do that…

The Deals Kanban filters fine when I manually test filtering on companies_id so I know the data is in the Deals collection data…

but when I filter on a Companies dropdown with The same company selected (same id value is selected as current vale as shown above… current filter value showing as 7), the Deals Kanban does not display the filtered Deal?..

@hughg unfortunately this not the only place WeWeb is not handlig types properly. Frankly speaking it happens quite often. I’m using toNumber almost in every place when I must be sure the Numerical value must be used.

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