Can't Export Files to self host

Hi community, long time no speak. Please does anyone have any ideas how to troubleshoot this error I keep getting when I try to export my Weweb project.

I am on the annual plan, and I am now done building my passion project. My initial customers are happy, so I want to export the code and change some of the source code to customize some things and harden some things before I push to my production setup.

PROBLEM: I cannot export my source code without the editor asking me to set up a Weweb Server url.

See screenshot:

For clarity, I know DO NOT need the Weweb server because I do NOT use any of the plugins it depends on it (Weweb Auth, Open AI, Airtable etc.) In fact the only plugins I use are Supabase, CSV, Date and Chart JS.

The problem is the Editor won’t even show me the menu box to download my project files and my annual subscription is not even up, my CC is connected even to auto-renew so that cannot be the issue.

Any ideas please? @Alexis @Raphael anyone, really.

Thanks a lot.


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Update! Yeah I figured it out. I was looking in the wrong place.



Hey boss. Nice to see you back around :slight_smile: I’m wondering how do you handle the WeWeb updates that might overwrite your customizations? Is this an issue with modifying code exports?

Hey my bro!

Well, I do think things have changed (and I am not so glad Weweb has not communicated this publicly)

But here is what I have now noticed since yesterday:

  1. Weweb has disabled the button for downloading the RAW project files (if you check here these samples have two folders). When I exported yesterday I only saw the option to export one - the built version of the app, I couldn’t export the Raw source code

My guess is that Weweb is trying to avoid folks adding stuff to their projects that make them incompatible with Weweb’s own stack (and since the component editor is now stable, they probably believe any custom development should be done that way, and not via raw code editing). But I still think it should be left to us the customers.

The reason I came to Weweb in the first place was the allure of speeding up development visually, and then being able to code in anything else I want. It seems that second part has been removed silently (and this isn’t well-known in the community yet because not many people are into code export).

To answer your question, the ORIGINAL idea with code export in Weweb (at least when I signed up), was that you could export the RAW files (so you had your config files all there), including the package.json file

So you could do any edits you wanted and then just build it yourself using NodeJS 18 and then serve it.

Right now, what I saw yesterday, is that you can only get the built version of the app (so you are able to self-host, for sure), but that’s not what you export for editing.

It analogous to if Flutterflow doesn’t give you the Flutter code, but instead gives you the .apk file of your andoid app.

So basically with this removal of “code export” from weweb, you basically can’t have the problem you were asking about since everytime you export it is a built app you’re exporting not a raw one.

Update bro, I think it is a bug. I opened another post to seek clarification. But it seems another user also experienced the same thing and found a bug on the page. I have opened a support ticked, and tagged Joyce in the post too. Hopefully someone comes to clarify it.

The raw files have indeed recent issues, i would think it’s about dependencies that needs to be updated, today i saw that using cloudflare some how working enough again didn’t retry on vercel

(yes few CSS issue still)

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Edit : a newer version that i had the issue too (compared to few weeks/month) seem to be corrected

Seems to be still broken. Is there anything going on to try to fix this behind the scences? @Quentin or @Joyce

Will need this feature in the next days as my client wants to have the source code also on his end…

EDIT: I have opened a support ticket regarding this

Hi @jayjay13 :wave:

Yes, it’s definitely a bug. I don’t have an ETA yet but the tech team is aware and looking into it

perfect thank you very much for the update!:blush:

@Joyce this is basically a one-line typo, maybe this shouldn’t take months to fix ?

Ok so here’s another update: we thought we had fixed this bug already a few weeks ago but it turns out we missed something and the fix didn’t go through for everyone so we’ll need to do another migration to ensure everyone gets the fix.

In the meantime, if it’s urgent on your side, please send me a link to your project in a private message. I will fix it manually on my side.

@jayjay13, @AgentD just did it for the project you included in your bug tickets :slight_smile: