I have two WeWeb sessions open on the same computer, but I still can’t copy elements from one account to another:
The button may be grayed out, but you can still paste with CTRL/CMD + V.
If you’re pasting an element or container, make sure there is one already in the canvas, click on it and paste. For sections, just click on an existing section and paste. It should work then!
That works only if I’m pasting into the same account, but different projects.
For different accounts (separate browser) it’s not working.
Ah, yeah you can have different accounts, but separate browser has never worked for me.
I’m using Chrome for both, but with two profiles.
How do you log into 2 different accounts on the same Chrome profile?
It won’t work between browsers because it relies on Local Storage or something similar. Your best bet is a Library, or just switching accounts, e.g. copy, log off, log into the other account, paste. That’s how I used to do it. There is some highly technical ways to do this by jacking the Local Storage, but it’s from the times when we had no other choice.