🎨 Calendar - Display colored cells for selected dates

TL;DR : display color on specific cells :art:

I want to display a month calendar view.
The use case is simple : the user needs to select dates.

I can select dates and add them to an array variable, that’s good.
Now, I want to show the user, what date are selected, by showing a specific color.

So far, i only see colors for click, current date, but not for another condition.
Can I do that ?

I’d build multiple components rather than only use calendar component by itself. I just add date picker, selection component as the condition and then I use the calendar component to bind with condition above

Humm, alright i get it

You’ll get farther by just simply building it from scratch, unless you need something really complex. I do the same always, some of the WeWeb’s components are very bad in terms of customization. So that’s what we gotta do.