Auth0 workflow not working

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to use auth0 in my project, I followed your tutorial but never ended up with the same result…

Once I finished the configuration of my auth0 plugin, I tried to use built in blocks for sign up but nothing happen on click.

Workflow on the button looks kind of empty :

I tried adding auth0’s workflow “login with popup”, but nothing more happen. Using devtools, here are the errors I get on clicking login button with auth0’s worflow :

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'loginWithPopup')
    at Object.loginWithPopup (manager.js:70:1869)
    at eval (eval at executeCode (index.7b84826d.js:1198:5851), <anonymous>:1:68)
    at eval (eval at executeCode (index.7b84826d.js:1198:5851), <anonymous>:2:3)
    at executeCode (index.7b84826d.js:1198:5851)
    at de (index.7b84826d.js:1198:85936)
    at ce (index.7b84826d.js:1198:78060)
    at se (index.7b84826d.js:1198:77332)
    at index.7b84826d.js:1198:108979
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at i (index.7b84826d.js:1198:108824)
    at n.<computed> (index.7b84826d.js:1198:109273)
    at $i (chunk-vendors.6b6b1a67.js:165:67544)
    at eA (chunk-vendors.6b6b1a67.js:165:67635)
    at HTMLDivElement.n (chunk-vendors.6b6b1a67.js:165:76188)
    at HTMLDivElement.sentryWrapped (helpers.ts:85:17)

 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'isAuthenticated')
    at Object.checkIsAuthenticated (manager.js:70:1444)
    at Object.loginWithPopup (manager.js:70:2001)
    at eval (eval at executeCode (index.7b84826d.js:1198:5851), <anonymous>:1:68)
    at eval (eval at executeCode (index.7b84826d.js:1198:5851), <anonymous>:2:3)
    at executeCode (index.7b84826d.js:1198:5851)
    at de (index.7b84826d.js:1198:85936)
    at ce (index.7b84826d.js:1198:78060)
    at se (index.7b84826d.js:1198:77332)
    at index.7b84826d.js:1198:108979
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at i (index.7b84826d.js:1198:108824)
    at n.<computed> (index.7b84826d.js:1198:109273)
    at $i (chunk-vendors.6b6b1a67.js:165:67544)
    at eA (chunk-vendors.6b6b1a67.js:165:67635)
    at HTMLDivElement.n (chunk-vendors.6b6b1a67.js:165:76188)
    at HTMLDivElement.sentryWrapped (helpers.ts:85:17)

Any idea of what am I doing wrong ?

Hi @stagiaire,

Do you try to add in the workflow the action “Login with popup” and “Sign up”?

Hi @Mael ,

Here is my current workflow :

Clicking on the button does not do anything, devtool (f12) give me errors :

Hi @stagiaire, could you send us a message on our chat? It will help me to have access to your editor and understand what is your issue

Final update : it ended up working without doing anything…

Thanks weweb team for the help anyway :slight_smile:

Hi @Mael , I’ve just signed-up today and I’m getting the exact same error as @stagiaire has described in this post.

No action is attached by default to the onclick workflow and adding ‘Login with popup’ action doesn’t do anything in preview and when looking in the dev tool I see the exact same error.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Hello @M11N,

Could you come on the chat (bottom right – chat with us) in your editor and send me some credentials to test your app?

Hello @Mael,

Thank you for your response. I’ve actually got this working now and I think the issue was cookie related as it started working after clearing my cache. I presume some thing Auth0 related as I was logged in to my account setting up the configuration but cannot be sure.
