Hi everyone,
I’m trying to use auth0 in my project, I followed your tutorial but never ended up with the same result…
Once I finished the configuration of my auth0 plugin, I tried to use built in blocks for sign up but nothing happen on click.
Workflow on the button looks kind of empty :
I tried adding auth0’s workflow “login with popup”, but nothing more happen. Using devtools, here are the errors I get on clicking login button with auth0’s worflow :
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'loginWithPopup')
at Object.loginWithPopup (manager.js:70:1869)
at eval (eval at executeCode (index.7b84826d.js:1198:5851), <anonymous>:1:68)
at eval (eval at executeCode (index.7b84826d.js:1198:5851), <anonymous>:2:3)
at executeCode (index.7b84826d.js:1198:5851)
at de (index.7b84826d.js:1198:85936)
at ce (index.7b84826d.js:1198:78060)
at se (index.7b84826d.js:1198:77332)
at index.7b84826d.js:1198:108979
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at i (index.7b84826d.js:1198:108824)
at n.<computed> (index.7b84826d.js:1198:109273)
at $i (chunk-vendors.6b6b1a67.js:165:67544)
at eA (chunk-vendors.6b6b1a67.js:165:67635)
at HTMLDivElement.n (chunk-vendors.6b6b1a67.js:165:76188)
at HTMLDivElement.sentryWrapped (helpers.ts:85:17)
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'isAuthenticated')
at Object.checkIsAuthenticated (manager.js:70:1444)
at Object.loginWithPopup (manager.js:70:2001)
at eval (eval at executeCode (index.7b84826d.js:1198:5851), <anonymous>:1:68)
at eval (eval at executeCode (index.7b84826d.js:1198:5851), <anonymous>:2:3)
at executeCode (index.7b84826d.js:1198:5851)
at de (index.7b84826d.js:1198:85936)
at ce (index.7b84826d.js:1198:78060)
at se (index.7b84826d.js:1198:77332)
at index.7b84826d.js:1198:108979
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at i (index.7b84826d.js:1198:108824)
at n.<computed> (index.7b84826d.js:1198:109273)
at $i (chunk-vendors.6b6b1a67.js:165:67544)
at eA (chunk-vendors.6b6b1a67.js:165:67635)
at HTMLDivElement.n (chunk-vendors.6b6b1a67.js:165:76188)
at HTMLDivElement.sentryWrapped (helpers.ts:85:17)
Any idea of what am I doing wrong ?