Auth0 no redirect on login

Hi all,
I have implemented the Auth0 plugin, set my allowed Callback URIs, etc, and all seems good after a bit of fiddling. Now, I have a Login by Popup action, and that seems to work fine. When the login is successful, as confirmed in my Auth0 logs, there is no redirect happening according to the plugin confirmation (see below). The “authenticated” page is public, so I dont think this should be the issue.

Note that I am only testing in Editor/Preview mode.

Shouldn’t this be redirecting the user? Instead, nothing happens.

Hi @wamcandrew :wave:

Can you record a short video showing us how things are setup in WeWeb and Auth0 and what happens when you try to log in in preview mode?


I should have checked my console earlier. I did a fresh logout/login of WeWeb am getting this error, which suggests something is going wrong, even though the login seems to be successful according to Auth0 dashboard! :sweat_smile: