Auth0 login/signup popup getting blocked on firefox

On my page containing form, auth0 popup should trigger after submitting form details to airtable, but auth0 popup trigger is getting blocked by firefox.
It can be avoided by whitelisting url in firefox popup block settings, but this extra step may be not ideal way for firefox users during login/signup flow.

Great point! And we completely agree :slight_smile:

In fact, the team is already working on a couple of new authentication plugins to try to reduce some of the friction that’s currently attached to the Auth0 plugin.

by going through auth0 github here , popup block should not be happening at all above version 1.15.0 of auth0.
why firefox is blocking auth0 popup from weweb pages

Oooh that’s interesting! Passing on the info to the product team. We’ll have a look on our side.

You wouldn’t happen to have any ad blocker on your firefox by any chance? That can cause issues as well.

disabled all plugins,

but it is interesting because on my home page auth0 popup is not getting blocked but it is getting blocked on signup form page

Hey @Yogendra :wave:

Firefox is now blocking third-party cookies. You’ll need to setup Auth0 on a subdomain (same domain as your site) to prevent this issue :slight_smile:

Here’s their doc about it: Custom Domains

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thanks for responding,

but if this is the case of domain, why login popup from hamepage is not getting blocked but popup from signup form page is getting blocked, both pages are on same domain

Can you send us the page’s link in the editor? I’ll take a look :wink:

sent in dm, please check