Assetslink.json file


I have deployed my project in pwabuilder and published the app on the play store. I need to verify the ownership of my website by hosting a file that has my digital assets on this URL https:///.well-known/assetlinks.json. However, I could not figure out how I can do this with weweb or maybe I should do this with godaddy. Any thoughts?

Thank you!

Hi @ally :wave:

Mmm I’ve never used PWA builder before. Not sure exactly how it works. Could you share a screenshot of the message that explains how they say you can verify ownership of the site?

Hello @Joyce

Here is a screenshot of the requirement.

I have a json file that has my digital asset content which needs to be deployed at https:///.well-known/assetlinks.json. I tried to create a page in weweb to host this file, but weweb does not allow dots in the pages path

Thank you so much!

I’m going through the same process, and need an answer here. Is there a way to upload the assetlinks.json yet?

If this doesn’t work, all the clients basically have to abandon the app plan.

You can

Just curious, what does PWA builder have that weweb doesn’t have?

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Hey, thanks for pointing this out! It’s such a new feature that nothing is ranking in search for “weweb pwa app manifest” yet. Hopefully this thread helps future searchers.

This should be exactly what we need, thank you.

To answer your question about “what PWA builder has” that weweb doesn’t:

PWA builder is just a packaging service. It’s a functionality tool that takes a PWA web address and wraps it in an .apk file, for deployment on app stores. It also walks you through the process of what’s required to make the wrapper app work properly.

A lot of customers are not technical enough to install a PWA from browser (yes, really). There is also a certain “legitimacy” in their minds for apps that are in the stores themselves. For these reasons, it’s a common request from clients.

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Wow I never realized they let you do native apps! I thought they just allowed for PWA capabilities :sweat_smile:

Exactly haha, but again it’s just a wrapper. As you update your WeWeb app the changes carry through like usual.

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