Assetslink.json file


I have deployed my project in pwabuilder and published the app on the play store. I need to verify the ownership of my website by hosting a file that has my digital assets on this URL https:///.well-known/assetlinks.json. However, I could not figure out how I can do this with weweb or maybe I should do this with godaddy. Any thoughts?

Thank you!

Hi @ally :wave:

Mmm I’ve never used PWA builder before. Not sure exactly how it works. Could you share a screenshot of the message that explains how they say you can verify ownership of the site?

Hello @Joyce

Here is a screenshot of the requirement.

I have a json file that has my digital asset content which needs to be deployed at https:///.well-known/assetlinks.json. I tried to create a page in weweb to host this file, but weweb does not allow dots in the pages path

Thank you so much!