I’d like to add a custom font to my site. The custom font upload feature doesn’t specify what kind of font file is accepted. Is it the standard web “@font-face” file type?
Thanks for confirming, so I don’t purchase the wrong license for the custom font we intend to use!
Hey @Alexander_L 
Checking with the team which files we handle, and I’ll come back to you asap!
Hello. Did you discover what font file type I need to upload?
Hey @Alexander_L, you can add these file types:
.woff, .woff2, .otf, .otc, .ttf, .ttc, .eot
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Thanks for tracking this information down for me! It would be great to add this to the ‘Settings > Add Font’ dialogue box to remove any questions…
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This answer is a bit opaque. I would welcome some kind of video adding a font from an online font library to the available list of workspace fonts. A workaround might be using a jpg of the text. Or is this really difficult or is there a licensing issue? Am I missing something?